
Our Expertise

Influence Marketing since 2010

Founded by Cyrill Attias, one of the most influencer pionner in France.
Brand knowledge and digital skills

Our job

Influencer Producer

«  We are not a platform, a media agency ou and agent.
We are a marketing agency with a high level knowledge in marketing and social.
We developp, manager influencers in their long term strategy and work.
Select brand, collaboration with them that fit their personality.»

Our Talents

Select by their talents

L’ represent the most talented influencer of the moment

Our mission

Symplify the relation between brand and influencer

We are also very focus on transparency on remuneration, contract legal obligation.
The agency is a active member of ARPP ( french advertising regulation) and work closely with them to enhance the methods and transparency.

Our skills

With our influencers

help them to :

  • work on their positioning
  • their marketing
  • Choose brands
  • Content producing
Ils nous font confiance

Pourquoi pas vous ?

  • clarins_influenceurs